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Vanessa Wong

Molly Miltenberger Murray is the author of Today, She Is (Wipf and Stock, 2013), a creative non-fiction account of recovery from traumatic brain injury, and is editor of the blog and book, The Atelier Project (2015). She has written and edited for Artist Reformation and has been published by Edge and The Stanza Blog. She is pursuing her MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow from her home in the Scottish Highlands, where she lives with her husband and their cat, the Great Catsby.


Molly creates best when she has worked out, taken a long walk, and the house is reasonably clean. She likes to hide in her atelier with a mug of iced coffee, light a candle, and turn on some calming indie folk like Musée Mécanique. She keeps postcards of her favorite places on her desk. She likes color on her fingernails (usually something in the blue range).


She has lived at various times in various places all over America and traveled in Europe, but she firmly believes that the Pacific Northwest is Best.

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